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논문투고시스템 접속
학회지 자료 (eISSN: 2733-4953)

자료검색 > 학회지 자료

20권2호 - Freeing the Migrant Women in South Korea from a Shackle of Poverty: An Inquiry into the Causes of Poverty and the Suggestion of Policy Responses
 작성일 : 2017-01-23  조회수 : 1,698
   10김순양_고수정.pdf (634.2K) [17] DATE : 2017-01-23 11:00:15
The purpose of this article is to suggest the policy responses to release the migrant
women in South Korea from a poverty trap, by narrating the contemporary situation of
migrant women’s poverty and examining the intertwined factors causing their poverty. For
the aim, this article consists of the following: introducing the multicultural trend in Korea;
narrating the contemporary poverty situation of migrant women; tracing the factors that
cause their poverty, including employment, language, education, health, social network and
social security; evaluating the contemporary policies to tackle the poverty of migrant
women; and suggesting the policy responses to free migrant women from poverty shackle.
□ Key Words: migrant women, poverty, multicultural society, South Korea


Total. 858
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